Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Sardined Neighbourhood

Rifle Range Flats is the name of my neighbourhood. There are nine blocks and they were built in 1969, the first flats in Penang, Malaysia! One block has 16 floors and there are 24 families on one floor! So, there are 384 families in one block; 3456 families altogether in nine blocks! Each flat is about 450 square feet (41.8063 square metre). The corner units are larger. It's named "Rifle Range Flats" because the place used to be the shooting ground for the Japanese.

As you can see in the above photo, that is how we park the cars due to space limitation. No one should pull the handbrake. Otherwise, no one could get out. You might find your car window broken into and the handbrake released! If you know that your car is sandwiched, get out early, hand push a few cars - so that you're not late for work or appointment :)

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